No matter the obstacles, the Windrose Detroit team always goes above and beyond to get the job done. From their successful events to their efforts to mentor other teams, Windrose Detroit is on fire! That’s why we are overjoyed to kick off a new series spotlighting excellence in our chapters by highlighting the Detroit team.
By the numbers, the Detroit team consistently hosts the largest events out of all our Windrose chapters. On average, more than 100 students and parents attend their local events. The Detroit chapter attributes their success to their amazing support team and their larger vision. Their chapter leadership team understands that success is not just about the numbers. Instead they have focused on creating a welcoming environment for every guest who walks into their event.
Despite their success, every leader of the Detroit chapter exhibits enormous humility, but this does not mean that they lack team spirit. Indeed, the Detroit officers are fiercely proud of their team! You can always count on them to cheer the loudest at any given event.
Rebuilding a Broken City
The Detroit team also has a vision to rebuild their broken city. Celebrated as the wealthiest city in the world in the 1950’s, Detroit was the unlucky city that LBJ chose to launch his “Great Society” policies. While intending to help people, the city crumbled over the next 50 years under the crushing weight of high taxes and regulations, and finally, in 2013, the city declared bankruptcy. While this is a tragic story, the Windrose Detroit chapter sees an opportunity. The next chapter of their city’s history is yet to be written, and they want to help write it. While rebuilding roads, neighborhoods, and overall social fabric will be a long process, it starts with people who are willing to invest in the little things like community service. And the Detroit team has served their city faithfully by hosting food drives, serving the unborn, and more than 12 other community service projects. As young people take ownership of their community, then friendships, churches, and businesses will follow. Young people full of hope from the Windrose Detroit chapter are the perfect ones to spark a change.
Multiplying the Movement
But the Detroit team has a vision far beyond their own city. Less than a year after starting their own chapter, Detroit has embraced the challenge of mentoring other developing chapters. In May, the Detroit officers traveled to help the New Jersey chapter host their first event. Some flew, while others drove more than 10 hours across the country to train the New Jersey officers. The team welcomed more than 200 guests to the launch event in Cherry Hill, NJ. During the event, Yihweth, Detroit chapter president, shared how Windrose has helped him overcome depression and find purpose in serving others. Tzadkiel, vice president, spoke about how Windrose has challenged him to put others before himself and overcome his introverted nature, all the while developing a deep love for America and the principles that it stands for.
In recent months, the Detroit chapter has shifted their attention toward a growing team in Grand Rapids, MI. Now, to be clear, these two cities are 2 hours apart, but the Detroit officers haven’t let that stop them. The two teams drive back and forth every month. The Detroit team has also traveled to Grand Rapids to help organize fun events like picnics as well as promotional events. When they cannot meet in person, the Detroit team uses technology to their advantage by organizing Zoom meetings online. They host trainings, planning sessions and group discussions that often last late into the night.
A Powerhouse Packed with Potential
I truly cannot say thank you enough to the Windrose Detroit chapter. Their team is beyond amazing, and we are so blessed to have them in the Windrose family! Their resolve to inspire and mentor other chapters has also undoubtedly forged them into a powerhouse. I can hardly wait to see what year #2 holds for the Detroit chapter!