“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” ~William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce risked everything to do what was right. He sacrificed his reputation, his career, his friends, and his health to fight the injustice of Britain’s African slave trade.

Wilberforce began his career as a self-absorbed young member of the British Parliament in 1780, but he became the courageous and selfless leader of a movement. He firmly believed that all men belong to God, not to other men. He also fiercely defended the fact that God made men equal. Although slavery had been a part of history since the beginning of time, Wilberforce did what no one else had ever done. He campaigned to bring the African slave trade to an end. He exposed the truth of the greed, corruption and brutality behind this institution. Though a nation was blind to injustice, he made them see!

“If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large.”


In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King and Black History Month coming up in February, we encourage you to watch this inspiring true story! It will challenge you to open your eyes to the world around you and make a difference. Each of us was created with purpose, and freedom is the ability to live out our God-given purpose. Although we all have a unique purpose, it is a high calling to protect the most vulnerable among us.

This week, we remember the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. When you watch “Amazing Grace,” may you be inspired to take action against the injustices of our own day. Mercifully, slavery is now illegal, but widespread abortion represents a similar issue that we now face. The abortion industry is ravaging our country, by killing the innocent and manipulating mothers.  “Pro-choice” advocates dehumanize the preborn and choose to protect the rights of some people (mothers) over the rights of others (babies). But women’s rights start in the womb. The human rights abuses of the abortion industry must end, and we must rise up to make it happen. And we will, because we are the pro-life generation. Like Wilberforce, we choose to respect all life.

Discover the story behind the song “Amazing Grace” and be inspired by the compelling life William Wilberforce, a man who stopped at nothing to defend freedom!

Learn more about the film here. Watch the trailer here.